Hello I'm Simeon

const person = {
firstName: "Simeon",
lastName: "Petrov"
const about = {
profesion: "Developer",
whatIDo: "Nobody knows tbh",
hobby:"Styling buttons...?"
About me
I'm a Senior Frontend Developer & Lead based in Sofia, Bulgaria 🇧🇬 . I'm
workig on daily basis with
React, but
Vue would be my
personal choice for almost anything nowadays. Having more than 7 years of experience
in the field, I have worked on and delivered numerous SPA and SSR applications.
At the moment I'm primarily focused on architecting web applications for
scalability (FE Oriented), discussing and planning client-specific feature
implementations, working on Developer processes and tooling and ensuring
code quality. You can learn more here: about me (🚷 Under Construction) or at my
Linked Profile
- My favourite stack would be
- Vue 3 & 2
- TypeScript
- Tailwind
- NodeJS
- Express
- Zod
- Vite
- Vitest
- Pinia
- Nuxt
- JavaScript
- but I also use on a daily basis
- React
- MobX
- Zustand
- Jest
- Strapi CMS
- JAM Stack
- Gatsby
- jQuery
What's currently keeping me up at night? 🧠
- 🛒 Nuxt & Strapi eCommerce
- 🕷️ Crawlers
- 💾 Git for storing data
- 🎨 Design systems & tokens
- 🖥️ Home servers / NAS
- 🤖 SmartHome
- ⚡ Astro